Creating Outline with Collapsible Headers for a List of Statutes - Microsoft Community

here's i'm working with, below. goes on additional headers (statute names) , statute below it. i'd make concise list of statute names, , have option press button open header below. statutes long, , make easier able scan , order names, , open text see fit.

none of resources online have explained how on recent word (2017, maybe 2016). i've tried using outline tool , using headers , can't figure out. appreciated.

26 u.s. code § 61 - gross income defined

(a) general definition: except otherwise provided in subtitle, gross income means income whatever source derived, including (but not limited to) following items:

(1) compensation services, including fees, commissions, fringe benefits, , similar items;

(2) gross income derived business;

(3) gains derived dealings in property;

26 u.s. code § 63 - taxable income defined

(a) in general

except provided in subsection (b), purposes of subtitle, term “taxable income” means gross income minus deductions allowed chapter (other standard deduction).

as you've describe want should relatively simple - more complex options available if needs go further.

in outline view:

  1. select first statute name clicking left of small blue symbol
  2. hold command key while click left of each additional statute name
  3. open outline level list [between green arrows] & select level 1

you can use show level list select level 1, collapse entire document display level 1 items.

to expand 1 item, either:

  • click on line & use blue ➕, or
  • double-click symbol @ left of statute name

levels 2-9 (plus body text) can applied subtopics within level if wish.

assigning levels applies corresponding heading 1-9 styles. makes possible use view> sidebar - navigation pane navigate document based on same levels when in either outline or page layout view. in page layout can collapse listing in navigation pane cannot collapse document content, itself.

Office / Word / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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