Focused inbox for Office2013 & office2016 Home & business - Microsoft Community

i’m noticing more talk of focused inbox replacing clutter in near future.  however, research indicates office 365 subscription version of office – office 2013 or office 2016 home , business (retail) not feature.


is true?  , happen clutter once focused rolled out?  office 2013 or office 2016 home , business not clutter or focused inbox? clutter removed office2013 or office2016 home & business version ?

you can read article know more information focused inbox. based on article focused inbox features requires office 365 subscription , not delivered office 2013 , 2016 having perpetual license.

we recommend contact our answer desk support team know more asked question related focused inbox features.

should still need assistance, feel free reply on thread.

Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2013


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