Office 365 Metrics Across Users - Microsoft Community

is possible metrics on outlook data across organization? example, can total number of emails sent, or total number of meetings scheduled during date range?

ideally, export metrics around meetings, including meeting dates, # of attendees, , duration. i'd entire organization. possible? can data requested or available via admin tools?

please advise. thanks!

hi randy,


the answer yes, please check following options.


  1. about email report. navigate admin center> reports on left pane>usage>email activity. , can select duration @ top of screen.
  2. about meeting creation. admin center> admin center @ bottom of screen>security & compliance>search & investigation>audit log search>in drop down list of activities>exchange mailbox activities>created mailbox item , select specific criteria run report.

if didn't enable mailbox auditing before, need enable precondition result or show nothing. reference: since want audit tenant wide, specific parameter is:


 get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited -filter {recipienttypedetails -eq "usermailbox"} | set-mailbox -auditenabled $true


this enable auditing mailboxes in tenant. need enable specific audit action mailbox owner since audit mailbox owner disabled default also. use following parameter:


 get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited -filter {recipienttypedetails -eq "usermailbox"} | set-mailbox -auditowner create


then use parameter check if configuration has validated:


get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited -filter {recipienttypedetails -eq "usermailbox"} | fl name,audit*


after configuration may have downtime allocate, feel free share updates me if there unclear.




Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business


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