W2013 - Table of Content - Microsoft Community


i'm working on creating table of content in msword 2013.  

could please advice how should heading style option reflects numbers heading , sub-heading.

my table of content (presently)

heading ............. 1

heading ............  2

 subhead............ 3

subhead.............. 4

but want toc reflect below

1. heading..............1

2. heading..............2

 2.1 subhead.........3

 2.2 subhead.........4

could please let me know, how should go adding numbers headers , sub-headers.  i don't want manually add heading, want word upon selecting particular style (heading), number should append heading.  for instance, if writing in 3rd section/heading , want add sub-heading sub-heading should appended 3.1, 3.2 , on.

any on appreciated.  thank you.

see: http://www.shaunakelly.com/word/numbering/outlinenumbering.html

if apply numbering heading 1 & heading 2 styles, paragraphs using styles auto-numbered. if apply styles headings & sub-headings, respectively, table of contents reflect numbering also.

Office / Word / Other/unknown / Office 2013


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