Crash in Word 2016 respectively wwlib.dll at usage of filter/sort - Microsoft Community

dear community.

in our company use word 2016 64-bit edition create serial letters mail merge functionality. data template usage of access mdb-connection. entire list of receptors via access query works fine.

but sort or filter criteria added list of receptors, word crashes instantly following exception:

name der fehlerhaften anwendung: winword.exe, version: 16.0.4600.1002, zeitstempel: 0x59d395c8
name des fehlerhaften moduls: wwlib.dll, version: 16.0.4600.1002, zeitstempel: 0x59d394ae
ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005
fehleroffset: 0x000000000123661e
id des fehlerhaften prozesses: 0xdf0
startzeit der fehlerhaften anwendung: 0x01d34bc4dae356ef
pfad der fehlerhaften anwendung: c:\program files\microsoft office\office16\winword.exe
pfad des fehlerhaften moduls: c:\program files\microsoft office\office16\wwlib.dll
berichtskennung: 989ffbec-7720-4be1-b972-85ca54b6ce84

the os windows 10 pro x64.

with word 2010 works fine, since word 2013 problem occurs , @ moment many colleagues affected.

we have done far several investigations without success, e.g. use offcat tool , done steps described in etc.

thank in advance!

better manipulate data in data source , in case of data being in access, done use of select query.

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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