Office update breaks printers installed on the system - Microsoft Community

the current update office breaks printers installed on system. there 50 network printers installed , 5 driver printers pdf, etc. before update, excel, word, powerpoint, project, etc able see printers. after install october 2017 updates office, programs in office not see printers. says no printers installed. option seems uninstall update october 2017 fix it. on multiple systems windows 7 10. windows xp , vista not impacted older office suite installed. have tried reinstall them still not work office. other programs abode, notepad, firefox, chrome, etc able see printers , work file. impacting office.

has 1 found work order this? or there reason why can not see printers?

[moved from:  office / word / windows other ]


one of possible reasons why issue occurs when network , printer connection status not working properly. know more issue can assist better. please answer following questions:

  • is account being manage domain?
  • which version of office using? check, kindly refer instruction on link.
  • have tried contacting administrator , have issue verified?

we're looking forward response

Office / Windows 10 / Network & internet


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