blocking an email dender's domain name with Outlook 2016 ... - Microsoft Community

the normal block sender function in junk mail folder not work... domain name....

i being spammed daily dozens of email china redirected web site address email address. junk mail block sender function not work domain name.... email prefixes numbers change every time receive email.... e.g. *** email address removed privacy ***

any solution problem appreciated.

thank you,


moved / email / managing email folders

i went through service provider junk mail coming through third party website dns not recognized outlook program... there room improvement in outlook in regard... however, service provider blocks/filters these unwanted emails before can re-routed email address. 

thanks follow-up ... 1st level support staff did not know causing problem... , though said promoted program higher level, never heard back, nor acknowledgement received query facilitated 1st level support person, rency, obliging , pleasant. 

i give 1st line support effort.... f results. 

Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2016


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