Embedded Outlook 365 Calendar has wrong Time Zone - Microsoft Community

split thread.

i have same issue.

calendar wedged on gmt

much have o365 shared calendar, resource in case

i've had play round set-mailboxcalendarconfiguration command changing timezone , region.

the set timezone pst has no bearing on displayed in published webview looks in gmt no matter set calendar timezone too.



hi jeremy kidd,


thanks post. further help, if want adjust time zone shared calendar, please try change time zone outlook web app via article.


if method doesn’t meet needs, please confirm following:


  1. did mean want change shared calendar time zone gmt pst?
  2. did shared calendar set gmt time zone?
  3. about “i've had play round set-mailboxcalendarconfiguration command changing timezone , region.”, can provide detailed steps abou it? example, can provide screenshots us.




Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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