MS Word for Mac Version 15.36 - Microsoft Community

the page numbering shows codes in footer -- extremely frustrating. i've tried of suggestions - toggling between code , data; deleting , re-inserting; manually inserting codes -- nothing works - when go print, prints codes.

i've searched of forums , have not found solution works on 2015 macbook air running sierra.

hi rlc0601,


you may go word>preference>view>show in document>check if field codes instead of values selected.

if yes, clear check box , check result.


or go footer>right click codes>select toggle filed codes , check result.


if above doesn't help, please provide following information troubleshooting:

1.for "the page numbering shows codes in footer", please capture related screenshot describe it.

2.please provide detailed steps how insert page numbers in document.

3.does issue happen word documents or specific document? have issue before?

5.what did set in word before issue happens?

6.mac version. (apple icon>about mac)





Office / Word / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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