Outlook Starting TWICE at startup after Update 1709 - Microsoft Community


i have issue ms outlook firing twice (in 2 windows) @ startup since updating windows 10  1709.

have done following troubleshoot...

. delete outlook shortcut startup folder.

. shutdown / reboot

. confirm outlook not start (as expected)

. recreate shortcut in startup.

. shutdown / reboot

outlook starts twice again!!!!!

also..  sounds similar "how fix apps reopening after restarting windows 10 fall creators update"

tried switching off "use sign-in info automatically finish setting device after update or restart"

makes no difference.

any suggestions / pointers appreciated.


moved from: windows / windows 10 / install, upgrade, & activate

hi lawrence

didn't solve have work-a-round.

it seems windows 10 re-starting outlook whenever running @ shutdown (which in case is).

you can ....

1) remove shortcut in "startup" , let windows manage startup. issue here if outlook not active @ shutdown, windows not re-start it.

2) can change shortcut add "/recycle" switch 

    "c:\program files (x86)\.......\outlook.exe""  /recycle"

   make sure if outlook active before instance, open in same instance.

   issues need insert sleep few seconds make sure 2nd instance because if starts before windows restarted one, still two.

   2nd issue when working 2nd instance bring outlook front bit annoying.

3) final solution let windows start itself, , have created vb script fire off 30 seconds after boot, check if outlook running, , if not start instance.

this works treat me.

happy share vb script if helps.


Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Unknown/other


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