Onedrive - problems logging in and staying online - Microsoft Community

is there problem web interface onedrive @ moment?

today , yesterday, it's been taking me age log in (about 12 minutes), find files, drops out again mid-session. same on browser / os.

anyone else having problem? estimate when fixed?


hi john,

synchronization issue , staying online onedrive may caused volume of files being synced @ once @ period of time. gather more information concerns onedrive, we’d know following:

  • which version or build of windows device using? know, press windows + r open run window. type winver , press enter. new window open showing version , build number of windows device.
  • what status of connection onedrive? ping onedrive server then tell result through screenshot.
  1. press windows key + r to open run window.
  2. type cmd, then press enter.
  3. type ping and press enter.
    • if receive 4 replies, connection site working properly.
    • if got request time out, internet connection has issues.


  • what connectivity status of computer between onedrive? know, visit portal link:
  • how percentage of free space on hard drive?
  • can unlink , link microsoft account again in onedrive?
  • did receive error messages?

in addition, recommend applying other troubleshooting methods on link: fix onedrive sync problems.

we’re looking forward response.

OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Editing and viewing files and folders / OneDrive in Windows 8 or Previous


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