"Sorry, we couldn't find all the linked files." - Microsoft Community


2 days ago re-started windows 10 computer , major update windows installed.

yesterday went open powerpoint file data points linked excel file, 1 i've used hundred times, , has error message:

the file hasn't moved or changed names, , no portions of data have changed either. when go "edit links files" here's shows me:

i've tried find file in other places, , created new versions try link to... , nothing working.

as additional info - had version had set office 2003, , linked file there isn't working right either.

this incredibly frustrating, , i'm sure there's obvious i'm missing. appreciate help!

update: ended rolling update installed on friday, , programs working again , linking again. i'm guessing there security feature in update blocked linking between programs?

Office / PowerPoint / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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