Accessing an old account - Microsoft Community

i trying access old account. when logged in, microsoft says "we want make sure it's you. please verify verification info". unfortunately, don't have access email anymore (account closed). but, when i came, allows me enter new verification option (my phone number). put in number , verified code. thi this: 

the change in security info requested on 11/23/2017 completed on 12/23/2017. don't worry, during waiting period can still sign in , use microsoft account normally.
if didn't request this, let know.
if you'd keep current security info, you

if want 30 days, can access acocunt... there can access before that?? seems silly need wait this. there support number can call?

hi vinny,

your security info alternate email or phone add account. these called 'proofs'. since passwords stolen, we send security code alternate email or phone keep attackers out. since changed security information, can't requires security code since way code not usable. keep @ least 2 security proofs on account , you'll never have problem. own security purposes. 

in addition, here's can reach our global customer service.

thank kind understanding. feel free post should need further assistance. / My Account and information / Other


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