ActiveSync blocking custom contact ringtones & texttones? - Microsoft Community

opted use 3rd party email app (typeapp) had checkbox used activesync. when add hotmail account activesync checked, pulls in contacts etc native (samsung) contacts app. when edit individual contact, not give me option (normally under "view more") edit ringtones , texttones. options not present. when created email account *without* activesync checked, no contacts pulled in; email. added gmail account , *was* able use custom tones. after various online searches , several forum boards, i've come conclusion problem microsoft/activesync. so, can provide insight issue? note, able have custom ringtones etc on previous phone (lg v20 running nougat 7.1.2). using outlook email app. hmmm, interesting.

hello gordon,

for better view of concern, know following information:

  • how trying access email account? using outlook app or
  • what email domain have?
  • how did try set email?
  • what device use when encounter issue?

do come required information , let know result further assist you. / People and contacts / Other


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