OneDrive Deleting Folders and Files - Microsoft Community

onedrive has been deleting files , folders.  i understand there others have experienced problem well, , there apparently no solution microsoft.

i have current version of windows 10, , second time in 2 months, learned numerous files have been deleted, without cause or explanation.  there no warning, , learned files deleted when wanted access them , find not there.  it turns out in onedrive recycle bin--thousands of files. once files in recycle bin, way retrieve them retrieve each individual file.  there no search function, , no way group files mass restoration.

this mission critical problem on scale causes me terminate use of onedrive, , institutional failure on microsoft's part. 

question:  is there way notify microsoft problem brought attention of high enough on organization hierarchy microsoft care problem?

i don't have answer problem.  deletion has happened me also.

i've been thinking closing account.  decided stick onedrive , create few local backups seem replenish missing online files automatically when log in computer.  when log in see files uploading local onedrive.

but can restore of files recycle bin @ once.

OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Searching for and recovering files and folders / OneDrive in Windows 10


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