Word 2016 Mac: only sees fonts in Computer/Fonts folder? - Microsoft Community

hi all,

i reorganized fonts, clean user , computer font folders. trial-ing couple of font managers (not simultaneously).  cleaned out both font folders, consolidated , organized fonts. of went fine.

as activated fonts, recognized apps (adobe, apple, affinity, omni, etc etc) -- not in office 2016 apps.  (to clarify, these fonts working in office apps previously.)

thinking might font manager issue or conflict, disabled , used font book activate fonts. again, fonts available in every app except office 2016 apps. cleaned font caches, restarted, of usual frustrating troubleshooting.

i noticed font book installing fonts user fonts folder -- did before, well. experiment, copied few of fonts library/fonts folder -- , appeared in word.

so -- font managers activate fonts location, , office apps didn't see them. font book activating in user folder, , office apps couldn't see them.

do office apps see fonts copied computer fonts folder??

this doesn't seem likely, since not installs fonts in folder (and font book defaults user folder), , rule out use of major font managers (which don't copy fonts folder). after way time on this, that's consistent result i'm seeing.

thanks insight this...


rather "chiming" in answer. find out well. have set of fonts myself, not work in word 2016. they work fine in word 2011.

they work fine in excel, 1 note, powerpoint. tried both truetype (tt) or open type (otf).



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Office / Word / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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