High CPU typing and scrolling in Word - Microsoft Community

word continuously crashes since yesterday morning, when typing or scrolling through word-file. cpu increases around 30%.

i have already
- verified recent update might cause, not case
- have temporarily disabled autocorrect , spell check disabled, not make difference
- have tried open file on computer , in safe mode (both windows , office), still crashes

- able open , type in same file in wordpad, program doesn't offer need. think file (s) work might problem. however, include small files of, example, 6mb, shouldn't cost effort right? 

the content of files valuable me. have idea of how fix problem?


we know more happened. kindly answer following questions:

  • does high cpu usage happens when working on specific word documents?
  • do encounter same on other office apps?
  • does file include macros or custom headers , footers?

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2013


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