Word unresponsive when 736 pages with two column tables - Microsoft Community

hi all,

i'm creating book using word 2017 (on windows 10 , intel core i7 4712 processor), in fact, 2 language bible, left column dutch , right syriac.

i disabled word count statistics, , spell-check (no solution).

but after each edit or change, word locks , returns cursor after say, 1 minute.

this annoying. 

the table not continuous. so, estimate there 400 tables within document. 

placing textbox shape left  bottom page information, impossible. each edit takes 'ages' say, 2 minutes, , after vba script (which should it) runs, have 'kill' word , return backup.

:( :( 

this looks bug , limitation word dealing a  non-english alphabeth , language, happen have lights me?


if apply given character style "matthew 1," styleref field in footer referencing style display "matthew 1." see http://wordfaqs.ssbarnhill.com/styleref.htm

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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