Can't create data file outlook 365 - Microsoft Community

hi all,

anyone else have issue?

problems adding account in outlook 365
i've tried on 2 computers , same issue (tried many many times)

error says:

adding *** email address removed privacy *** (not real email address)
went wrong

we couldn't create outlook data file. make sure disk you're saving isn't full or write protected , file isn't being used.

i have 220gb free on computer (over 50gb on other computer) , disk isn't write protected on either computer

the strange thing creates data file pane on left show data file , going data files tab show data file.

i can't delete says:

this data file associated mail account. remove use "email" tab

the way i've found find file location on c: , delete them way, right click on data file on folder pane , click close 

version 1709 (build 8528.2139 click-to-run)

known issue?? work around or fix?


moved from: [ / email / adding email accounts]

hello cian,

possible registry outlook app corrupted. though know more happened. kindly answer following questions:

  • when did concern started happen?
  • are receiving same message if try add different email address?
  • have performed troubleshooting steps?

while on it, , if have not performed yet, recommend follow steps on how repair office apps on link.

if need further assistance, feel free reply on thread.

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home


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