Cannot Send Emails in Outlook - Microsoft Community

i sent request yesterday , got reply unfortunately deleted before answer.

i can receive emails in outlook cannot send in outlook,. comes send/receive error.

the error posting :

sending reported error (ox800cccof) connection server interrupted. if problem continues contact server administrator 

or internet service provider (isp)

the server responded 550 5.1.0 esmtp server not available aup #0-1070

all connections have been checked , contacted internet provider went on system , in working order.

had problem 6 weeks.

thank you.

hi richard,

there may few reasons why unable send message using outlook email. in order isolate issue kindly answer following questions:

  • have made recent changes computer system prior getting error?
  • which version of outlook using? please access link reference.
  • have checked support link part of troubleshooting process?
  • what other troubleshooting steps have been taken?

we forward response.

regards. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email


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