Strange synching problems with Android Moto G5 Plus - Microsoft Community

most of new email messages stopped downloading. focus inbox gets occasional message, other inbox gets nothing. emails seem synching insofar message alert email has arrived, can see inbox message count change, can download email folders of old emails. new messages not visible , nothing downloads "other" inbox. 

i've tried turning focus on , off, removing phone , reinstalling, deleting , reinstalling email account phone. nothing has worked.

i've lost caller name id, incoming calls display #, no name, though contacts on phone , synching properly. calendar is  synching properly.

i tried getting support outlook using support function on phone. not helpful. 

i appreciate advice. thanks!  


***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.***

hello mark,

there can number of reasons kind of issue occur. great if can tell more concern. please answer following:

  • when did issue start?
  • are experiencing same issue when accessing emails
  • what specific error message getting?

for now, advise removing device account , add again. procedure should resolve email sync issues you're experiencing. follow steps outlined in article on how remove device email account.

we're looking forward response.

Office / Outlook / Android phone & tablet / Office Mobile apps


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