Autodiscover issues on Outlook 2016 - Exchange - Microsoft Community

periodically trouble outlook on 2 of 3 machines.

outlook refuses open.

i delete autodiscover files , works until next time open outlook.

investigating problem shows during use of outlook, of autodiscover files reduce in size 4kb 1kb - , content changes - exchange settings pop3 settings (which don't exist). autodiscover files corrupted relate exchange 365 accounts. 

the problem cannot server related because same account works ok on 1 machine , not on other (both win 10, outlook 2016).

recreating new profile short-term fix. problem recurs periodically.

reinstalling office doesn't resolve issue length of time. 

**post moved moderator appropriate forum category.**


this issue possible outlook system conflict. have article can use workaround repair issue. please follow troubleshooting steps provided on link. it's tool created office program having issue.

let know if need further assistance.

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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