Can't subscribe to internet calendars - Microsoft Community

i trying work , outlook 2016 calendars. need add several internet calendars keep track of kids' activities. have been doing years without issue , has been wonderful. however, in past month, have not been able add internet calendars either platform. calendars i've had access in past removed. not possible me import/export because information changes frequently.

in outlook 2016, requires me sign in account. when do, outlook hangs. legacy calendars appear in outlook calendar, when click view them, says no longer available , delete themselves.

in, error "couldn't open calendar: action couldn't completed. error code -1." happens calendar, not one. , i've been successful in subscribing calendar gmail account , iphone. 

have spent hours on issue. have tried on 2 different computers (lenovo , surface 4), both running windows 10. restarted several times. updated windows , office. if isn't resolved, switching different platform because can't go long without access calendars.

quick assistance..

should add i've used different browsers same result (edge, chrome, firefox). / Calendars and tasks / Import, share, or open calendars


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