domain change and associated Office 365 account - Microsoft Community

domain associated email has changed.  how backup email , calendar , re-associate new domain name?

hi jsb_1118,

at first, if organization keep old domain, don’t have change account.

based on description, may want associate new domain. can change domain . since account office 365 account, don’t have emails , calendar.

if old domain kept, recommend don't remove old email address. can configure alias. can still receive emails sent old email address, can’t send emails via alias.

besides, if using skype business, need reschedule skype business meetings, , need tell external contacts update contact information you. , should update username in apps use, outlook, onedrive, , mobile apps.

if want email , calendar, can export pst file. , can import it, if need.

and if still have question, can tell me. i’d assist.

regards ,


Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 365 for business


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