MS word customization - Microsoft Community


please let me know,

how add customized functions word.(how program them)

for example,

i) want capitalize first letter of each word exceptions(not capitalize letters in words like, 'in' 'the' 'of' 'that' etc)

ii)  find out frequency of word in document.

iii) select text in colons(" ") or brackets , make italic or bold or change font




***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.***

what need examples of macros functions these.

for capitalization, read "true title case" section of (also @ macros on other 3 pages of examples, linked @ bottom of each page.)

for word frequency, see many more examples listed at

for font changes, can use replace dialog. cursor in replace box, can press ctrl+i or ctrl+b shortcut italic or bold, or click more, click format, click font in menu, , choose different font. depending on complexity of thing you're trying match, may use wildcard search ( or not. once working in dialog, can record macro see code creates. code can improved after you've learned things vba.

Office / Word / Microsoft Office Programming / Office 2016


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