Problem pasting image into Outlook Web App O365 in Firefox - Microsoft Community

for long time, has been possible paste image (such screen shot) outlook web app office365.

this no longer works browser firefox (54.0 , 54.0.1). image appears in editor, image not present when email transmitted.

however, using owa edge, works should , image in email gets sent.

any ideas?


hi davverr,

via description, understanding worked fine in previous version of firefox (version older 54.0). image not present while email transmitted, i'd confirm whether meaning image doesn't present on recipient side. if so, may firstly check whether image has been kept in sent items folder of yourself. can identify whether issue persists on side or recipient side. 

if has been kept in sent itesm folder, issue should recipient side. may contact recipient change device receiving email; if doesn't present in sent items folder, may try going private mode of firefox browser or clering cache/cookies of , re-sign owa. meanwhile, nice if can upload screenshot "image doesn't present".



Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 365 for business


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