Sharepoint Communication site suddenly broken - Microsoft Community

without making changes our new communication site appears have broken. several web apps including hero , page title coming following error.

something went wrong
if problem persists, contact site administrator , give them information in technical details.
[sploadererror.loadcomponenterror]: ***failed load component "cbe7b0a9-3504-44dd-a3a3-0e5cacd07788" (pagetitle). original error: ***failed load component dependency "cbe7b0a9-3504-44dd-a3a3-0e5cacd07788" component "pagetitle" (***failed load component "a81a5cf6-c9ad-4a0a-85aa-68c03d2d22a2" (spfilepicker). original error: ***manifest not found component id "c07208f0-ea3b-4c1a-9965-ac1b825211a6" , version "1.3.0".). original error: {3} ***innererror: ***failed load component dependency "cbe7b0a9-3504-44dd-a3a3-0e5cacd07788" component "pagetitle" (***failed load component "a81a5cf6-c9ad-4a0a-85aa-68c03d2d22a2" (spfilepicker). original error: ***manifest not found component id "c07208f0-ea3b-4c1a-9965-ac1b825211a6" , version "1.3.0".). original error: {3} ***callstack: error @ t ( @ t ( @ e.builderrorwithverboselog ( @ e.buildloadcomponenterror ( @ anonymous function (

the issue appears have been @ microsofts' end has resolved morning.

in response of other questions, relatively new communication site created sharepoint start page.

the hero webpart, news webpart , several others showing same error. these webparts in place when created communication site (a topic style communication site). have added , amended several webparts , broken yesterday.

the news it's fixed now. bad news don't know caused it.



Office / SharePoint Online / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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