Task -> Appointment field mapping? - Microsoft Community

is there way have company field, if populated on task, populate same field on calendar appointment when dragging task calendar?  categories, description, etc... seem come on without issue company field doesn't.  the company field isn't, default, on appointment form, created custom form included it, is, suspect, root of issue.  is there clever way make come over?  i'm not averse writing code make happen, i'd exhaust configuration based solutions first.

my flow create task, set company value particular client i'm working on, enter whatever details, plan execution dragging onto calendar.  i use company field on calendar appointments time tracking purposes , super swell if didn't have set company second time when reviewing worked hours.

any appreciated!



hi mike,

regarding requirement, please visit outlook suggestion box leave feedback or suggestion improve our products feature. many features of current programs have been designed , upgraded based on customers’ feedback.

time , understanding highly appreciated.

best regards,

Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business


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