Unable to open Publisher Documents from OneDrive - Microsoft Community

i can no longer open microsoft publisher documents onedrive. issue started after recent microsoft office update.

when select "open in publisher" option file on 1 drive, publisher opens , attempts load document. following message:

when select okay following message appears:

on selecting ok, windows explorer window opens displaying onedrive documents folder. folder not contain document wish edit. edit document, have navigate onedrive folder in document placed.

it appear onedrive looking document in documents folder.

how change settings fix issue? 


one of possible reasons why issue occurs when onedrive not opening file on correct file location. know more issue can assist better. please answer following questions:

  • did make changes prior issue?
  • is issue same when opening other files onedrive?
  • can download file, save onedrive document folder, check if issue same?
  • what troubleshooting steps have done far?

we're looking forward response.

OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Editing and viewing files and folders / OneDrive in Microsoft Office / Office 365


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