Could not receive email sent - Microsoft Community

split thread.

hi leo zhao,
     leo zhao reply, have did same said , got email failure reply.
      found following error should now?

       smtp error remote mail server after rcpt to
       550 5.7.606 access denied, banned sending ip[<ip address>].

hi sunil,


thanks reply. based on description, ip address may blocked.


if sent account isn’t office 365 account. in situation, supposed request removal list via

for more details:

besides, if issue persists, would mind share more information me?

  1. please send me complete ndr(non delivery report) via pm(private message).
  2. may know if sent account office 365 account?
  3. did run message trace? if so, please share screenshot of result me via pm.
  4. does issue occur anytime send email?

pm(private message): 

thanks , forward response.





Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business


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