Meeting Update Tool for Outlook for Mac - does it exist? Is it - Microsoft Community


we going change pstn conferencing providers , asking windows users use meeting update tool change meetings info new provider automatically, after have been migrated new service.

however, meeting update tool outlook mac doesn't seem exist.

does mean outlook mac automatically update meetings after detecting have switched pstn conferencing providers?

or mean outlook mac users need update meetings manually?

i hope it's not later, since our outlook mac users hate that.

we running exchange on-premises can't use new meeting migration service, since it's available exchange online mailboxes.



hi eduardo,


thanks reply. know, there no related official documents meeting update tool mac. have meeting update tool skype business windows rudy mentioned.


i understand eager requirement meeting update tool mac, update old meetings new provider's numbers/info mac users. if possible, ask these mac users try login account windows skype business , run tools update it? sign in mac , see whether these information updated. needs, know not perfect method, worthy try it.


about there no meeting update tool mac, love hear comments , suggestions of teams. send thoughts follow:


meanwhile, recommend can continue use microsoft audio conference provider.




Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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