Issue with IE 11 and Office 365 Sharepoint - Microsoft Community

i have windows 10 laptop , have 2 office 365 small business accounts. have 1 business account personal business , 1 have access firm subcontracting to. today installed windows 10 update.

the issue when sign second account in ie11 sharepoint window on office 365 platform shows no sites, , settings cog not open. can access second account in chrome , edge, however, ie11 supports infopath designer, why trying gain access. @ point in frustrating event, have received error message first business account user not have access other business account. part confusing because have made sure signed correct account.

other confirming crazy, have ideas?

the funny thing may have been signed both maybe once, after clear avoid being signed both account. 

however, able resolve issue when cleared of items in ie11 history folder. guess had redirecting item blank site.

thank insight, appreciated.


Office / SharePoint Online / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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