Cannot add attachments to task in Planner in Office365 - Microsoft Community

every time try add attachment, link sharepoint doc following:

we couldn't update "plan name". please try again later. technical details:

correlation id: *************************[the information masked moderator]

not being able connect links or synced documents planner inconvenient.

hi abbe,


as planner signed in on browser, suggest switch browsers firstly see whether works.

if issue persists, clarify situation, please provide more information:

1. subscription? (you can check office subscription in office 365portal > user name > my account > view subscriptions , show screenshot of page.)

2. other users in company have same issue?

3. issue happen other plans or other tasks in affected plan?

4. provide screenshots of error message our better understanding?




Office / Project / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business


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