Connect with the iPhone mail app - Microsoft Community

***moved on english forum***


i french, , moved abroad work. have iphone , french number not work am.

my company bought me new iphone, , struggling installation of hotmail accounts on iphone app.

thing > recognizes not connecting usual country , believes might fraud. normal.

it says "we have detexted unusual regarding connection. example, possible you're connecting  from new place or new device or new app". asks complete french phone number verify know it.

problem live sending me verification code on french number precisely dont have access !!!!!!!!

i stuck > me ? lot

***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.***

hi ugo,

security codes 1 of our security features users prevent unauthorized access microsoft account. if else trying log in account, feature send verification codes user check if you.

if have new phone number, can change updating security information on link. in way, send verification codes on new phone number have access microsoft account again.

let know if have updated security information. / Security, privacy, and accounts / Keeping my information safe


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