Error 1007 when searchong and no syncing - Microsoft Community

i cannot use search function longer. every search comes went wrong error code 1007. started 3 days ago. local onedrive began having problems syncing. in other words, won't sync. have windows 10 latest updates on microsoft surface pro 4.  

i have tried 3 browsers. have cleared cache , cookies. have tried different network. have tried on android phone browser , same error. android app seems work okay, however.

i cannot work without search function. paying service not getting microsoft. have been using onedrive years (back when skydrive). first time i've encountered these issues.

hi michael,

the issue you're experiencing strange. can send screenshot of exact error message you're getting, can determine what's causing issue. if you've made changes prior issue, let know. it'll big help.

regarding search function, referring option says "search everything" on upper-left corner of onedrive on web?

OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Searching for and recovering files and folders


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