I'm trying to delete a stuck email that is NOT IN THE OUTBOX. - Microsoft Community

for past several weeks, have been getting repeated occurrences of error message number -17193 reads, "the total attachment size exceeds limit. try removing 1 or more attachments before saving or sending."

i had sent email attachment big. got error message. deleted email either outbox, sent, or drafts folder. however, outlook keeps trying resend message , generates error message.

when put outlook offline, email not appear in outbox. while offline, sent test email did appear in outbox

when ran apple script:

tell application "microsoft outlook"

delete every message of outbox

end tell

it deleted test mail sent, did not resolve issue of message above.

the message stuck , resends every 10-15 minutes no way delete it. 

your assistance appreciated.

try deleting exchange account in outlook, , redefine exchange account. take time complete.

Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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