Album Artwork Not Showing on Music Folder - Microsoft Community

i posted question asking how prevent wmp changing album information on downloaded mp3 files (thank person helped me fix that). anyway, have of downloaded music in folders artist , album, many of icons don't show artwork, plain folder within folder icon. vast majority of music shows artwork. how fix this?

these pictures below show i'm talking about.


hi again - sure... btw can refer previous posts clicking username... take directly profile , activity.

more not wmp create image file folder... if doesn't can create 1 - e.g. paul simon download jpg image , rename folder (folder default name image appears on folder icon) - it's best rename on desktop because there won't file of name conflict... drag relevant folder. if there's jpeg named there, you'll prompt asking if wish replace it...

a 'hidden' folder of music art exists in appdata folder has been resized wmps (ancient!) default of 200x200 px large** - or 75x75 small keep folder of music art @ around 500x500 (always above 300 minimum)

** why of art has white border around it... default size system folder images 266x266 against 200 image created wmp. 1 of many things needs updating in wmp platform!

Music, Movies & TV / Windows Media Player


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