Outlook Office distorting images for outlook mac (doesn't - Microsoft Community

hi i'm having issues formatting , stylizing branded email signature company. 

i have tried work directly within email signature tool in outlook design in word , bring outlook no avail. once bring signature editor images compress , become pixelated colors change different hue. 

i have exported images @ 96ppi (pngs) , still nothing. there missing because has given me headache far many hours. color change significant , pixelation not passable means. 

the pixelated version:

what should like:

(private information removed moderator protect privacy)

hi rachel,

may ask did change size of image before pasted signature?

besides, may try adding signature in owa (outlook on web) check if can work. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/create-and-add-an-email-signature-in-outlook-web-app-0f230564-11b9-4239-83de-f10cbe4dfdfc



Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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