Powerpoint 2016 in Windows 10 crashes freequently - Microsoft Community

i  on team produces av church in minneapolis.  run 5 services weekend 2 locations.  stream our 10:30 service on sundays.  have widescreen projection in both locations, using powerpoint our source.   upgraded.  in upgrade have 3 new pcs running windows 10 , powerpoint 2016.  on three, powerpoint crashes intermittently , frequently.  intolerable, in middle of service.

we have site license office.  powerpoint software has been activated, crashes continue.

i have no idea next.  treasured.


hi frank,

this can due configuration of powerpoint application. better understand concern, we'd know following:

  • the error messages you're getting when experience concern.
  • the last activities performed on devices prior concern.
  • the version of office you're using on devices. check this, can perform steps posted on link.
  • the version , build of windows 10 you're using on device. check this, can perform steps posted on link.

in meantime, we'd recommend performing repair powerpoint application fix broken system files related application. this, can perform steps posted on link.

we forward response.

Office / PowerPoint / Windows 10


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