Problem with numbered list in Word 365 - Microsoft Community


i have problem numbered list in large document (350 pages). 

through document make examples, definitions , use different mathematical expressions. in order have created format numbers examples. in chapter 1 examples numbered (1.1), (1.2) , on. because want able refer later on in text, "and (1.1) , (1.2) follows" use of cross-references. have created format, , works fine long use 1 document each chapter.

however, have hand in whole docuemt have inserted chapters 1 single docuement. in chapter 2 want definitions etc. numbered (2.1), (2.2) , on. trouble starts, means on page 320 have definition (1.340).

i suppose has breaks in document. have tried insert not work. have tried use different formats 12 chapters, not work either (for me).

see enclosed picture, chapter 4 in book chapter starts (4.1), (4.2) , on.

is there way fix , in case, how?

thank you!

[moved from: office / word / windows 10 / office 2016 ]

you need commence each chapter heading style displays required chapter number , select style in caption numbering dialog 

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home


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