Click on multiple Contacts when sending an email. - Microsoft Community

question same 1 asked in 2013.  what answer?  i want able click on multiple email contacts when sending email hotmail.  is possible outlook or have print out email contact list keep beside computer , enter each 1 manually?  if manual colossal waste of time.  please let me know?  i pay service , have not been happy msn , outlook quite time .  i ready quit , find browser not required upgrade piece of junk.  thank clarification.

moved from: / email / sending, receiving, , reading email

hi uso gal,

from experience, add multiple email contacts contacts on outlook mac, when sending email, can click on multiple contacts address book, can make it.

in addition, highly recommend use office 2016 mac better experience, know, after october 10, 2017, office mac 2011 no longer receive bug fixes , security updates. therefore, might not able provide further official support.

your understanding highly appreciated!



Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2011 for Mac


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