How to set default incoming email that needs to go to PST Inbox - Microsoft Community

hi experts,

i bought myself new macbook pro touchbar macos sierra 10.11.26, have been using office 365 home - outlook application of emails.

now, in windows laptop, outlook of office 365 using pst default inbox , has been working great no issues, , pst location placed in d drive (separate partition, away c drive windows os installed).

so, steps did move email account windows mac were:

1. move pst file d drive in windows laptop mac (this placed in sub-folder under documents in mac)

2. configure pop email account in outlook mac

3. import new pst placed in mac using outlook - tools - import button, allowed me select pst file , 100% imported

now confusing part have 2 inboxes in outlook mac.

1. on computer/inbox

2. on computer/*** email address removed privacy ***/inbox

i see emails in imported pst file, when hit "send/receive" button, of new incoming emails coming "on computer/inbox", had move emails manually "on computer/*** email address removed privacy ***/inbox".

but when checked under outlook - tools - accounts, see 1 email configured , it's been set default.

how remove "on computer/inbox" , "on computer/*** email address removed privacy ***/inbox" default inbox? 

at moment workaround think of create rules.

but don't want create rules because has never been issue office 365 - outlook on windows laptop.

does has idea? desperate correctly need use outlook mac multiple email accounts, don't want of emails mixed in "on computer/inbox" , have move them 1 one multiple pst email accounts.



hi yafet,


for first question:

based on previous description, pst exported outlook windows. in fact, pst file copy of mailbox on windows. after exported, “inbox” exported , became folder named “inbox”. imported mac, folder, not default inbox.


for second question:

since using pop account, not exchange server account. local mail won't sync others devices. in situation, if don't want use third party tools, isn's feasible because there isn't official tool. 

for third question:

the folder mails stored in increase size. account pop account, of emails download , stored in local folder , no matter folder using.

if want move account windows in future, can export olm file , convert pst file. 


thanks , understanding appreciated.




Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 365 Home


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