PP Show not working after slide with hyperlink. - Microsoft Community

i have pp show 50 slides of animated, simple animation using ‘expand’ setting.  one of slides has hyperlink pp show.  the graphic contains link has no animation.  the link works fine , when come out of link (means end linked show , pp returns automatically original show) slides after slide linked graphic not show of text in them or of animated graphics. 


any suggestions?



hi changeagent,


you can create new test presentation check if issue happens new created one.

  • if issue happens specific presentation, suggest copy , paste contents new created one. animations , formats copied , pasted also, don’t need worry lost them.
  • if issue happens new created one, please provide information below:
    1. as can’t reproduce issue, check if issue can reproduced in specific version, please provide office version. example: 14.7.7. suggest keep latest updates.
    2. provide video , paste link here can know more issue scenario more investigation.

on other hand, if have office 365 subscription, recommend getting bug fixes, security updates , new features upgrading latest version of office 2016 mac. office mac 2011 no longer receive bug fixes , security updates after october 10, 2017. download office 2016 mac, can refer download , install or reinstall office 365 or office 2016 on pc or mac.




Office / PowerPoint / Mac / Office 2011 for Mac


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