How to extract the mails from an unknown file in archive folder - Microsoft Community


i have created archive , moved inbox , sent items mails regularly.

afterwards, reinstalled os , opened archive file(.pst) in outlook 2013.

there part of mails, ones archived in first place.

but there 1.9 gb file without file extension in folder of .pst file.

scanpst.exe can fix , detected there around 2,000 mails in it.

i believed file contains mails moved in archive manually.would please suggest me how extract mails in file?

(ps: change file extension .pst doesn't work. outlook cannot open it.) 

many thanks,



to provide possible resolution , accurate information why issue occurs, know file type of archive. know file type, see steps below:

  1. right-click on archive folder/file > properties.
  2. a pop-up message show containing information of folder. send screenshot of it.

Office / Outlook / Windows 10


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