hi all,
we have applied kb3213656 our office 2016 environment in order fix outlook spell check issue mentioned in kb article. have since noticed has broken tables in both word , outlook. if merge 2 or more cells, long @ least 2 of cells in different rows, resultant cell becomes unusable. you cannot click it, type or right click it. unless merge includes top row.

but that's not all!
if open existing document has cells have been merged previously. of cells appear blank. doesn't matter view use in word.
i have checked styles/indenting , it's cells empty...uninstalling hotfix fixes issue immediately, we're doing (tables more important , few clicks in spell check)
my question is: has 1 else noticed this? cant seem find else same issue online. there workaround or obvious fix i'm missing?
we're using office 2016 (not click run) x86 on windows 10 x64
thanks in advance!
pretty sure that process updating click run office 365. far know, issue doesn't affect version.
do know if there's downloadable hotfix issue? or can pulled wsus?
here go: https://support.microsoft.com/en-sg/help/4011140/october-3-2017-update-for-word-2016-kb4011140
this update fixes following issues:
Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016
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