Surface Pen Ink Shows Up on Every Other New Slide in PowerPoint - Microsoft Community

device: surface pro 10 surface pen.

situation: writing labels on powerpoint slides surface pen when accidentally bumped touchpad on keyboard @ same time writing.   now every other slide in powerpoint shows same ink, when create new powerpoint document.   furthermore, time add more ink pen, can no longer edit , shows on every other slide.   i have tried select both pen , cursor, , neither of them successful.   the eraser feature on pen not work.    have attached screenshot showing happens.   *note ink doesn't show in thumbnails does.

sorry hear running problem. 

please let know build of windows , powerpoint running.

to windows build number, press windows key+r, type "winver", , press enter.

to powerpoint build number, go file...account...about powerpoint.

also, still see ink on wrong slide after save presentation, restart powerpoint, , open presentation again?

thank you.

Office / PowerPoint / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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