I need to shut off Win 10 Mail and use Outlook 365 by itself - Microsoft Community

i purchased office 365 , need use outlook primary email server/account.  when set computer after recovery action, mail became integral part of office process , when click on email hyperlink in excel or word system defaults mail , not use outlook in 365.  have manually enter each address "to" line.  additionally contacts on old data base have not been transferred new outlook system though imported files old data base. 

i appreciate advice can provide.  process has been real pain.  in advance.

win10 mail has no connection ms outlook, although can add same mail account in both.

if in ms outlook 2016 have added mail account, have been set default.

you can set default apps in win

in win10 mail if click settings cog icon, select mail account can remove mail account.

the auto complete cache of addresses used , populated usage.

you imported, mean version of ms outlook installed on previous pc, or mean 365 installed on same pc earlier office version?

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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