MS Word, buy online - Microsoft Community

i buy ms word. 75 yr old senior , veteran. taught school in ohio, virginia , california on , off  business man.

being on frugal budget, make economical purchase.

i buy online lenovo pc laptop only. 

can please direct me best site this?

thanks, teddy

ps if needed, 858-967-5632  *** email address removed privacy *** preferred.


hi teddy,

microsoft office 365 integrated service provides access set of microsoft tools. it's made of microsoft office 2016 (pro plus) , many other tools on office 365 portal.

office 2016 (pro plus): microsoft office 2016 (pro plus) includes familiar software such word, powerpoint, excel , onedrive. these can installed on 3 devices (eg laptop, tablet, smartphone). installed versions of these office desktop apps, can work on documents when you're offline.
onedrive gives 1tb of online storage: office 365, have perfect place store personal files. photographs, movies, unisa assignments, you'll able save all. files stored online, means you'll able access them anytime, anywhere, logging in 365 account using microsoft e-mail address , password.

reference, kindly click on article below regarind microsoft office products:

get office office 365

for other concerns, don't hesitate us.


Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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