Office 2016 sometimes crashes in Windows 10 - Microsoft Community

in education setting recent version of windows 10 installed, powerpoint , word both crash when insert--online pictures used.  take user out bing search, when picture selected, program crashes.  problem is, not time user.  of time users, , once in while others.  save work, not.  there doesn't appear rhyme or reason.  has else experienced problem , how did fix it?  students watched verify steps correct.  happened me logged in district technology director logged in administrative rights.  again, didn't crash every time.

moved from: office / powerpoint / windows 10 / office 2016

hi larry,


based on description, using office professional plus 2016 connected office 365 accounts.


since have office 365 subscription, suggest uninstall office professional plus 2016 , install office 365 proplus if have related license.

to check license, can sign in work or school account, click avatar on top right corner , click account. in subscriptions tab, check whether have the latest desktop version of office license. 

if so, can go office 365 home page, click install office 2016 install latest office 365 proplus.



Office / PowerPoint / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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