Outlook.com notifications on home Windows 10 machine - Microsoft Community

i have question regarding outlook.com notifications appearing on home pc. have bought item not want significant other find out in advance. nothing sinister here, don't want surprise ruined.

we use laptop @ home pretty in standby, linked microsoft account because hey, have nothing hide... until now! question is, email notifications have received morning there greet when gets home work (which before me incidentally)? it might worth mentioning mails have been moved , not sat in inbox.

any on appreciated. , kind! ;)

moved from: windows / windows 10 / calling & messaging / pc

, using outlook mail in windows 10 mail client? if are, can turn off notifications it. open start > settings > system > notifications & actions > scroll down, toggle off mail.

Outlook.com / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email


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